Muscle Groups to Work Out- Leg Exercises With Dumbbells

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Here’s a great video demonstrating leg exercises with dumbbells. Starting out with some mobility work and stretching, then getting right into it.

Goblet squats for 15 reps. This is an excellent squat exercise for beginners. The weight keeps you counterbalanced, whereas the rear loaded squat has a tendency to have you lean forward.

Follow up with walking lunges or split squats.

Quick tip- really get the concentration on the glutes rather than just the quadriceps.

Video Transcript

back in the backyard dumbbell workout two legs alright so we started off with a little bit of mobility and some stretching but we’re gonna get right off into it which is going to be the goblet squats for sets 15 reps oh yeah goblet squats an excellent beginner squat exercise being that the weight is going to keep you counter balanced you know typically with the rear loaded squat you might have a tendency to lean forward with the goblet squat scenes the weight is forward you have a tendency to pull back which is great you keep your body vertical and you’ll get better used to the squat motion itself we highly recommend this one if you haven’t tried it out in the past buff dudes approved I’m stuck no seriously I’m stuck help me it ain’t walking lunges it’s split squats pretty much the same kind of mechanics really focusing on a unilateral on the way on this one of course the rear leg is going to be working somewhat for stabilization but the walking lunges takes a lot more effort because you’re actually accelerating and decelerating the motion this one you are with the east entrance that can send your contraction but walking lunges you have that forward momentum so this one is just static although it still kicks your ass Hudson Europe okay it’s amazing what just one pair of dumbbells what you hope with what they’re capable of and what you can do and how much of a kick-ass workout you can get you can do it anywhere look at us we’re just doing it in our backyard okay all right we got a quick tip on the split squat here so as you notice when you’re in this position it’s an easy habit to get into it just coming forward like you’re bringing your leg for here but that’s not really the case or shouldn’t be the case on a split squat what you do want to work on is pushing your hip back so that way you’re almost feeling like you’re sitting back like in a squat pushing your hip back and that way this is going to keep your lower leg more vertical put more pressure through the heel and then you’re going to feel it a little bit more in the glute that way so if you really want to try to focus on glute make sure you’re kind of pulling that hip back as you bring as you bend on the knee and then pushing up through that heel you can feel a lot of pressure through that glute for the duration of the exercise so quick tip there really get the concentration on the glute rather than just the quad and pressure on the knee joints so just really focus on pulling the hip back as you squat down and the splits go on three sets twelve reps and isolate those hamstrings you’ll notice a lot of unilateral work in this workout due to us not having a lot of weights only fifty pound dumbbells so can’t put a lot of load on both legs so to increase the amount of weight on your legs you start doing single leg exercise unilateral so the 50 pounds or even 100 pounds depending on how much you have it was a hell of a lot more and you’re also citing each leg in conjunction with the next so you can also work on any asymmetrical problems either be size issues strength issues in each one of your legs so that’s a good plus – so that’s what we have going for you which is nice in a world where sweat pants are warm 24/7 and never washed wear sweat stains are aplenty sweatpants back with a vengeance YouTube is going to be implementing smell vision pretty soon so get ready I think it’s safe to say that we love legs just as much as the father would love his redheaded stepson right Hudson yeah yeah these weights were a stepchild who had red hair I’d be beaten shit out right now or are they beating you if I had a redheaded stepchild they’d be beating the shit out of me right now which you know I got to be really careful about what I say because a little-known fact some of you non blondes or gingers may not know this but there’s a war that’s been raging for thousands of years it’s a little bit like that underworld movie with vampires and werewolves except its toe heads and gingers so just watch it out it rages at night because we can’t stand the Sun I’m a daywalker I put on you know a whole lot of bond oh yeah SPF 1000 buff dude doesn’t leave home without it well at least a towhead buff dude exactly SPF 1,000 at least you’ll notice that we’re not doing a lot of comedy during this workout because this workouts all business fucking leg workouts goddamn it they get the moon they get the least views and the hardest where’s the love where’s the leg love like love like love Dede swings typically I believe up to this point on our channel all we’ve ever done is kettlebell swings so this one you just want to keep in mind be very careful because you don’t have quite as solid of a grip so you don’t want your hands to slip due to the sweat send the dumbbell off like a missile Pig some neighbor on the side of the head that’s barbecuing you know hot dogs or something death by dumbbell I could be your head dude all right finishing up the last set hub DB swings as you can see Hudson back there hopefully you enjoyed this workout quick dumbbell a leg up home dumbbell workout and there’s gonna be more in the future for sure so look for those and nothing much else to say besides the 12-week plan this week hell yeah main channel now I’m done no it’s all they’re gonna say safe up alright I was really didn’t okay I get bail leading so thank you dudes and girls and as always Steve off yeah