Aerobic exercise is an effective way to increase fat burning and endurance. The power not only comes from just one work-out and how it makes you feel, but the cumulative effects regarding all the physiological […]

Aerobic exercise is an effective way to increase fat burning and endurance. The power not only comes from just one work-out and how it makes you feel, but the cumulative effects regarding all the physiological […]
Looking for a simple home workout routine using dumbbell exercises? Add muscle to your biceps, triceps, shoulders and back with this plan. In today’s modern society with time being a constant issue, many people claim […]
Isometric exercises are frequently used in resistance training. These are weight training exercises during which there is absolutely no range of motion and no observable motion of the joint or muscle. Benefits of Isometric Exercises […]
Ok, kids, rally around, because I’ve got a real barn-burner of a workout for you. Tabata- the fastest and most effective fat burning workout you’ll ever use. Note: This routine is forbidden for absolute beginners. […]
Alright, fellas—welcome to the starting line of your weight-loss journey. If you’re here, I’m guessing you’re looking to get rid of the spare tire, slim down, and reveal those muscles hiding under there. Maybe you’ve […]
So, you’re here because you’re trying to lose some pounds, maybe show off a more cut physique, or finally get that metabolism cranking in high gear. Everyone’s got advice about what to eat, when to […]
Seriously, WTF were you thinking, waiting so long? Now the time- pressure is building and you know you can’t use the traditional slow-go, “sensible” diet and exercise plan to lose 10 pounds in a month. […]
If you’re a guy interested in a good ab workout – and maybe even get some of your old swagger back – you may be wondering “are situps and crunches the only ab exercises to […]
Question: I’ve heard the best abdominal exercise is the Swiss Ball crunch. Is it better than doing crunches with an ab roller or on the floor? I really want to have visible abs. Eugene says: […]
Slow down time… We all wish we could, but it just ain’t gonna happen. However, we may be able to slow the aging process a bit with antioxidants. Antioxidants Could be Beneficial to Health and […]